01 January 2010

Rats.. and cat..their friend?

recently rats.. and i mean a lot of them are giving my family a headache, they drill holes in cupboards, shit everywhere, stink up the place and steal our food... we recently found their nest, which is a mountain of panda bread in the cupboard, which they drilled holes into... sigh... oh well, we've caught.. erm... 3

It was rather interesting, the first and last one was caught by the rat trap, which is normal but guess what, the second one was trapped in my room (since it's just beside the kitchen). when me and my father when to look for it (poking around the floor) and found nothing, we thought it escaped... when i thought, hmm, nice of them to not have bitten any wires and when i looked to my desk.. HOLY, it was right there staring at me with its paws in front of it. Funny thing was it just stared at me when i called for my dad, only after that it ran and hid behind my screen... and even funnier, when my father's hand poised to catch it, it still stared at him... quite cutely too, only until my dad caught it did it struggle and it bit my dad!! just hope it's ok...

Out of those three, one died(overnight), one we released it and the last one's in the cage being accompained by... of all things.. cat??? at first the cat was on the cage, i thought i wanted to eat it, but now the cat just lay there under the shade for all things, accompanying the rat?? they look so relaxed then.. see the pic for evidence~~can't really see the rat but it's really in the cage!!

i was just wondering, what'd you do to the rat?? release it like my sis suggest, drown it like my dad's idea or to "boil them, smash them, stick them in a stew" as suggested by Patrick? i mean, it does cause us a lot of trouble and it's unhygienic but it's still a life isn't it? but then when i think back it is sort of, contradicting since we have rather low regard for ants as compared to say rats since they're more tangible and cuter?? but regardless, i think cats now a days really don't eat rats anymore huh??

1 comment:

  1. cats like to play with mice, though it usually leads to killing them ;0
